6 Plant Pack (Assorted)

6 Assorted Aquarium Plants - Guarantee to have 6 unique plants.
Availability: In stock
Our Aquatic Plant Bundle, meticulously curated to transform your aquarium into a vibrant underwater paradise. This bundle features six exquisite aquatic plant species from the following list of potentials: Amazon Sword Crypt Wendtii Bronze Blyxa Red Alternanthera Rosanervig Myrio Filigree Oriental Sword Cryptocoryne Wendtii Mi Oya Kleiner Prinz Sword Oriental Sword Rotala Indica / Ammania Bonsai Ludwigia Inclinata Cuba Rotala Magenta Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green Limnophila Hippuridoides Java Fern Narrow Leaf Vesuvius Sword Cryptocoryne Lucens Bacopa Monnieri Cardinal Plant Micro Sword Potted Banana Plant Java Fern Trident Java Fern Tiger Lotus Bulb Scarlet Temple Temple Dwarf Sagitaria Bunch Rotala Wallichii Sagitaria Narrow Leaf Rotala Red Rotala Nanjanshan Rotala Mocranda Rotala Vietnam Hra Rosette Sword Rose Sword Red Rubin Sword Red Ozelot Sword Red Melon Sword Red Flame Sword Radican Sword Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis Bolbitis Broadleaf Myrio Red Myrio Green Mermaid Melon Sword Marble Queen Sword Cryptocoryne Lutea Ludwigia Super Red Mini Ludwigia Red Ludwigia Ovalis Kleiner Bar Sword Jungle Val Bunch Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red Cryptocoryne Spiralis Corkscrew Val Bunch Contortion Val Bunch Anubias Nancon Anubias Barteri
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